You Don’t Have to Figure it Out Yourself

The other week, during our free first session, a (now-) client told me she felt guilty about seeking help from me because she felt like she hadn’t tried hard enough to figure things out by herself yet. She felt guilty about “jumping” right to working with a coach instead of struggling to work things out on her own first, at least for a few months. I asked her why she felt she should wait even though she had imagined she would be reaching out to me anyway.

A lot of emotions came up as we started to dig into this challenge. Like many of my clients, Rebecca (not her real name) identifies strongly with being a proactive problem solver, and was struggling to reconcile that identity with getting help from a coach. Until she could prove to herself that she wasn’t able to figure it out alone, she felt like getting professional support would be like “cheating” or skipping the struggle that she’s seen so many of her friends go through as they search for more fulfilling roles. 

Rebecca isn’t my first client to feel this way--nearly everyone I work with expresses this conflict in some form or another. Most of my clients are ambitious achievers--they are used to researching problems and identifying the right answer. I get it--I’ve used the same strategies often in my career. But these tendencies are precisely why it can be so valuable to get support from a career coach instead of struggling to work through these challenges yourself. 

Here are some of the benefits of working with a coach that I shared with Rebecca--

Reduce Overwhelm

It’s difficult to know where to start when it comes to finding a more fulfilling job. The internet is full of conflicting advice and it can be challenging to determine where you even want to go (let alone which steps will get you there). When you work with me, you can trust that I will guide you step-by-step through a process customized to your goals and needs, so you can focus your energy on showing up and doing the work. You can stay focused instead of getting distracted by whether you’re taking the right steps. 

Get perspective

When you’re deep in the trenches or feeling burned out, it’s easy to lose sight of what strengths and skills you bring to the table. You might have difficulty imagining alternative options, or have beliefs or assumptions that lead you to dismiss certain paths or opportunities without further consideration. I can help you get perspective, challenge you to think differently, and check your limiting beliefs. You’ll develop a solid understanding of your unique set of strengths, skills, values, dreams, and priorities.

Learn new techniques

I am a resource maven and love sharing new techniques and strategies. Part of my coaching philosophy is that I want to teach you these tools and strategies so you can apply them in your own life, again and again. 

Move more efficiently

I spent my twenties and early thirties struggling to find my footing so you don’t have to. I’ve taken all of this trial and error and created a step-by-step method to help you clarify what you want, explore your options, and pursue your next step efficiently and with confidence. Partnering with me means you can take advantage of nearly 15 years of experience coaching others to strategically and effectively reach your goals. 


Accountability is probably the greatest benefit of working with a coach. By partnering with me, you have an advocate dedicated to supporting you to achieve your goals. I bring an outside perspective--unlike a parent or a friend, I don’t have a long history with you and can offer suggestions and perspectives that someone who has known you for a long time might not be able to see or name. Our weekly check-ins challenge you to make sustained progress toward your goals and create the space for support and troubleshooting when you encounter challenges along the way. I’ve priced my coaching packages to be accessible to a broad range of clients, but ultimately, you’re choosing to invest in yourself when you work with me. For many clients, this financial commitment represents a shift to getting serious about creating a more fulfilling life.

I am not a traditional career coach who wants to overhaul your resume or cover letters. I don’t focus on interviewing prep or networking strategy. Instead, my secret strength is helping you to create a framework to explore, choose, and pursue an intentional next step and feel confident in the decisions you are making--right now, and in the future. Sometimes that looks like finding a new job, sometimes it looks like staying in your current role but from a place of confidence that you’re choosing that intentionally, and not feeling like you’re just falling into it. I help you understand what you want and why by leveraging your strengths, interests, values, dreams, and priorities.

The older I get, the more I realize that I don’t need to be an expert in all the things. I can focus on the areas where my strengths and interests lie and partner with experts on the rest. This is why I go to my hairdresser and ask her to recommend the best cut for me, or to the contractor for our kitchen renovation and say “Here’s the look we’re going for--what do you suggest?” I’m still an active participant in these interactions--doing the work beforehand to show up prepared, but I approach these conversations with the belief that the other person knows what they are doing and wants to use her skills to get the best outcome for me. Trying to be an expert in everything is exhausting--have confidence in your areas of expertise, but trust the professionals to be your guides in the other areas of your life. You don’t have to figure it out yourself.

Want to see if working with me is right for you? Schedule a free first session

Caroline Ouwerkerk